Question Asked In Caiib Exam :- Dear Readers, IIBF conducted Online Examination for CAIIB. Candidates who were about to give their exam may be searching for the Memory Based Questions asked in CAIIB. Here we have given the CAIIB Memory Based Questions. Kindly make use of it and share it with all your friends.
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Recollected Questions for CAIIB Exam :-
1. scada- full form signature- Chapter 2 of IT act
4.phishing- do understand the concept
6.Cert in- 05 MARKS QUES- function
7.IB- world's oldest intelligence agency
8.UAVs- why used so muchh?
9.NTRO- comes under pmo and provide tech intelligence to defence
10.information silo
11.2 FA- cash withdrawl from ATM
12.2d Bar code- also called Matrix code
13.word "hacking" has been removed in ITAA
14.IT act is adopted from model-UN commission on internatinal trade law.
15.fraud- defined in contract act.
16.why magstrip card migrated ti chip based
17.card cloning-labanese loop
18.advantage of rupay card
20.rootkit-2q, ip spoofing-1q commrece security-2marks
21.not digi wallet-ans-BBPS OLTP- ACID test- atomicity, consistency,isolation, durability
23.hacking punishment in IT act 2008-3y& 5l
24.example of direct evidience-eye witness
25.corroborative evidience-2q transcation more prone to-identity theft(i think)
27.what the feature called when a customer made a successful online transcation and staisfied with?
28.payment system governed in india-2 marks q with multiple options
29.IT act perceived to be based on-
30.Divulgde the sensetive personal information like user id pwd- 43A
31.65-tempering of source code
32.CISA- full form
33-4. cyber forensic -2q
34.physical vs digital evidience-1 q
35.hacker-blue-2q white-1q black-1q
36.means rea- asked in different context
37.preventive/detection/mitigation control-4 q
39.RFID most vulnerable weakness 66-threat of hacking in banking-2q
41.Anonymous definintion
42.non-repudiation means non denial of 41
43.malware related 2 q
44.CIA triad
45.classify-owner, handle-custodian, operate-user
46.cyber squating, cryptolock
47.jhon doe order
48-threat vector & landscape-3 question
49.APT agent
50.cyber word definition
51.ceri in stated- like data handling is costly
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